What did GoAnywhere MFT users think in 2023?


As we close the chapter on 2023, we’d like to take a brief look back.  

2023 saw some exciting projects and fruitful collaborations. 

Here are some, 2023 customer reviews of the GoAnywhere MFT file transfer solution collected by G2. 

G2 is an online platform that provides user reviews and ratings on a variety of products and services, including software, online tools and technology services.

If you are looking for reviews of a specific product or service on the G2 platform, we recommend that you visit g2.com and search for the product or service in question. There you will find reviews, documentation, and ratings that can help you make the right decision.


“Would recommend”

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“A couple of things I like about MFT is how easily configurable and how fast it is.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“That they do not support openshift containers.”

What problems is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“AS2, SFTP communication, File Moving at a rapid rate, makes it easy to manage when a customer is having any kind of communication issue.”

By Matthew, Dec 2023


“GoAnywhere MFT Experience” 

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“Troubleshooting an issue is very easy in GoAnywhere MFT when compared to other applications because of the detailed logs available inside the application. It clearly explains when a particular user logged in, what action types that user performed, and other required information. I have been configuring AS2 and SFTP connections mostly, and the option of testing the Resource even before saving is helping a lot. Even the troubleshooting part is easy if the client says they are unable to connect to us. We can check the logs and see what is going wrong for the incoming requests. Also, the cloud connectors are easy to configure and are really helpful. Have used SharePoint connector, and it made life easy for posting the files from local path to Sharepoint path.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“For inbound connections requests, even though most of the time the error message explains the issue, there are times when it gives an error related to Java terminology and that is sometimes a bit hard to understand. It would be helpful if easily understood terminology is used everywhere. Also, for the common errors that could occur in connectivity, it would be helpful if there is a knowledge base article available on the GoAnywhere website or portal. Also, I couldn’t see the logs of changes made by admin user are shown anywhere inside the application. I couldn’t see what folders were deleted by a particular admin user in the Audit Logs section.”

What problems is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“Troubleshooting the connectivity issues is easy here. Audit logs can be checked to see where it is going wrong. Also, finding out if a file was successfully sent or received can be easily identified now by using logs or completed jobs. Doing typical tasks like HTTPS post or get is also easy now because of the different resource options available.”

By Venkata Narsimha A. Technical Consultant in Nov. 2023


“If your company moves files internally, or externally you need GoAnywhere MFT”

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“GoAnywhere MFT is a single application that supports all of our file moves, for both internal users and external customers and vendors. The product is very scalable and supports more connection options than any other product we looked at. So far, there has not been a need for a connection type that GoAnywhere could not provide for us.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“Because of the incredible depth of GoAnywhere MFT capabilities and its ability to connect to so many resources and types of storage, there is a bit of a learning curve. But we have been able to get started quickly and continue to learn the nuances of GoAnywhere MFT as we go along.”

What problems is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“GoAnywhere MFT is our enterprise solution for managed file transfers, and we use it for everything, including internal staff secure folders, both SFTP and web=based secure portals for internal and external customers, vendors, and employees. It allows us to use one product and connect to any and all storage resources that we need to have access to, and it allows us to move data and files from one resource type to another totally different resource seamlessly.”

John P., Nov, 2023

“GoAnywhere MFT is a reliable program” 

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“What pleases me most about this program is the security and guarantee of protection and format of each of the files that are being transferred, since normally this type of program changes the format and the original order in which they are shared without my consent the large masses of files, GoAnywhere MFT is a program that respects and seeks a way to simplify the collaboration of data among my co-workers, and thanks to the help of this program I have been able to work much faster due to easy and safe access you have, this is the best solution for exchanging data between systems.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“One of the things that I have noticed about this program and that has made it difficult, and I work with it, is the enormous size of its software, which makes it take up a lot of space on my system, there are several complications for this reason, one of them is that Due to the low space and demand, the program can be slower to run, as well as annoying the implementation of other programs on my system.”

What issues is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“After working and creating the multiple documents and files, what we most want is to have a safe and reliable program that ensures the transfers of each one and without exemption of data from my work, GoAnywhere MFT has been the program par excellence that has been fulfilled by complete with simplifying each of the processes where we want to exchange these reports and other types of work with our contacts as quickly as possible, such as my most frequent clients or simply with my coworkers, this program guarantees that the transfer of files is successful and repeats the original format.”

Wong T. Software developer, Aug 2023

“Secure File Transfer tool for enterprise level” 

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“It’s a Highly Secure File transfer available in the marketplace to share big files within the organization or outside with customers in a secure, encrypted way. It gives many manual and automated features to overcome the challenges during and after transfers. It monitors each and every process and gives necessary alerts whenever needed like during schedule transfers it gives alerts on uploading or downloading of resources and files. The best part of GoAnywhere is their Administration and monitoring system’s user interface, it is very responsive and gives comprehensive information of the resources and processes.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“GoAnywhere does a really great job functionality wise and gives no space for any complaints, while we found the Documentation a little tricky or hard to follow for a few specific process and task.”

What problems is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“We can transfer or share big chunks of files within or outside the organization under a secure network. It saves a lot of time in monitoring and in administration. It provides all necessary procedures and protocols such data backup, recovery, and protection for file transfers process. Highly recommended tool with great ROI.”

Rohit M. Cloud Analyst, July 2023

“Data encryption and automation”

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“I like GoAnywhere. MFT facilitates:

— Extracting data from a database and sending it in a variety of formats internally and between partners.

— It is very useful for data transformation, manipulating and transforming them into XML, text, and spreadsheets.

— Beneficial for speeding up work processes as it enables data integration to move data between different systems, such as joining data from Oracle, Netezza, DB2 and SQL Server.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

— “NAS permissions are a drawback of GoAnywhere MFT; In the future, functionality to enforce user roles and access rights on the NAS would be beneficial.

— I would also like to see GoAnywhere MFT incorporate DNS; It is currently not supported; it would be essential to make adjustments to the template.”

Recommendations to others considering GoAnywhere MFT:

“I recommend GoAnywhere MFT for data mining, emailing internal spreadsheets between teammates and data to business partners, plus the secure folders module and web client, it’s very helpful for setting up third-party providers to record and review files or folders securely.”

What problems is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

— “Useful for browser-to-browser or server-to-server file transmission and encryption, cloud integration and hosted installations, translation of EDI X12 and EDIFACT files, and secure file sharing, email and collaboration.

— With benefits for centralized control, we can increase information security, automate file transfers, and adapt data formats to meet our demands.”

Software development engineer, March

“Simple and full of useful features” 

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“You can use this tool to integrate data from several sources in a seamless way, create your own process logic, and monitor everything with a fully customizable dashboard, without the need to write a single line of code, it’s plenty of features, compatible with almost any data source as databases, plain files, mailboxes, network shares and other.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“The only thing we’re missing I’d the ability to connect to web services with oauth2 authentication, like some stored in Azure.”

What difficulties is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“I’m using MFT to automate data transfers between several internal and external services, replacing traditional ftp/SFTP servers base on Windows and Linux, integrate data with our ERP and monitor all those processes.

Javier L. Administrator system, Feb 2023


“GoAnywhere surpasses expectations”

What do you like best about GoAnywhere MFT?

“GoAnywhere offered Significantly more transfer opportunities than prior products. I have a virtually infinite number of endpoints internally and externally. This offering allows me to meet any of my customers requests.

Their documentation alone is worth the price of admission 🙂 I haven’t seen documentation this good in a LONG time.”

What do you dislike about GoAnywhere MFT?

“While easy to use, the admin web interface restricts me from doing some things more easily. Simultaneously looking at resources, logs, and monitors is impossible without trying to use multiple web pages.”

What problems is GoAnywhere MFT solving, and how is that benefiting you?

“GoAnywhere has allowed me to simplify my MFT environment and provide more offerings for my customers. The combination of GoAnywhere with ClearSwift is exceptional, and I can offer more security for BOTH inbound (virus checking) and outbound (prevention of PCI data) transfers.”

Scott G. Engineer, Jan 2023

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