Cegid Relations Bancaires

Banking management and communication solution for your transfers and direct debits

Cegid Banking Relations, the simple and secure solution for managing your payment and collection methods.

Cegid Banking Relations allows you to manage all your banking flows based on the EBICS T and TS protocol. Through an ergonomic, intuitive and totally secure interface, you can manage your direct debits, payments, account statements, outstanding payments, etc.


What is Cegid relations bancaires ?

Cegid Relations Bancaires is a unique solution for managing your banking flows!

Do you have several banking partners? Each of them offers you a solution for managing your financial flows, but this approach requires you to use different interfaces and procedures. This is time-consuming, costly and complex to manage for security purposes.

Cegid Relations Bancaires offers you a single solution for managing all your banking flows with all your partners. You become independent of the platforms of your banking partners while respecting the protocols and security rules imposed in this field.

Accessible from a simple Internet browser, Cegid Relations Bancaires requires no software installation or hardware resources and offers you a centralized consultation of your bank statements.



From a single application, you connect to all your bank accounts and all your banks to perform your operations. Online entry of bank orders (payment, collection), transfer of payment files, direct debits, etc.


workflow and signature

Define your financial flow management processes and apply your validation and/or signature rules.



Your file servers (e.g., FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS, and AS2) can be kept securely within your internal network. This allows you to keep inbound ports to your network closed, which is essential to comply with data security standards such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, HITECH, SOX, ISO 27000 and GLBA.


payments and receipts

SEPA direct debit, LCR/BOR and DAILLY. SEPA transfers, international transfers, cash transfers...

Cegid relations bancaires Automation

Thanks to its integrated task scheduler, Cegid Relations Bancaires interfaces very easily with your business applications such as your ERP, accounting, etc. You can automate the retrieval of remittance files (LCR/BOR, SEPA, etc.) or export data in PDF or CSV.

The validation workflow will guarantee the proper execution of your internal validation and/or signature procedures, validation and electronic signature rules per user, the addition of comments and/or attachments (supporting documents, etc.). You will be automatically notified by email of the operations performed on the platform.

The EBICS TS single or double signature can be conditioned according to a threshold amount. The mobile application will allow you to consult, validate or scan checks and send them to the bank.



Accessible in SaaS mode 24/7 in compliance with the most stringent security rules in this area with hosting in a highly secure and monitored Netcenter. The Cegid Relations Bancaires platform is redundant on a geographically separate backup site to enable the implementation of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Your data is replicated in real time on a substitute server ready to take over in production.


The confidentiality of your data is also the subject of uncompromising security with the encryption of flows between your workstation and the application servers. The use of TLS/SSL protocols and SHA256 certificates guarantee the confidentiality of your data. Note that the hosting, operation and maintenance of the Cegid Relations Bancaires platform are carried out entirely in France.