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BlueFinch-ESBD at the InCyber Forum


BlueFinch-ESBD will be attending the InCyber (ex-FIC) exhibition! 

InCyber is one of the major cybersecurity and technology event in Europe.

From 26 to 28 March 2024, the Lille Grand Palais will be the meeting place for the cybersecurity ecosystem, bringing together key players and IT experts.

What is InCyber?

The InCyber Forum is Europe’s leading cybersecurity event, held in France.

Organised since 2007 in Lille, the “International Cybersecurity Forum” became the “InCyber Forum” at the beginning of 2023, as part of its internationalisation, both in terms of visitors to the French edition (2,700 foreigners present in Lille in April 2023, from 82 different countries), and through the launch of several editions abroad (United States, Canada).

What makes it unique is that it brings together the entire cybersecurity and “trusted digital” ecosystem: end customers, service providers, solution publishers, consultants, law enforcement and government agencies, schools and universities, etc.

At the heart of the event, you will find an exhibition area where you can discover practical solutions, as well as a forum dedicated to sharing experiences and collective reflection, and a number of conferences which, this year, will focus on the theme of artificial intelligence.

Its mission is to respond to a twofold urgency:

  • Meet the operational challenges of cybersecurity
  • Contribute to building a digital future in line with European values and interests.

The InCyber Forum is both :

  • An exhibition where you can find operational solutions to your needs
  • A forum for sharing experiences and collective reflection
  • A summit to help build a safer digital space
countries represented

And what about BlueFinch-ESBD?

For the first time, our team will exhibit at the InCyber event under the pavilion of the Dutch Embassy.

BlueFinch-ESBD is a Franco-Dutch company that is specialised in securing and integrating data. Meet our experts Guillaume and Ekron at STAND F19 alongside with the Dutch Delegation.

BlueFinch-ESBD is one of the companies chosen to support the delegation on the theme of the event, namely public-private collaboration in innovation in the field of cybersecurity.

InCyber is an essential platform for engaging in dialogue and establishing collaborative relationships in the field of cyber security.

So come and see us STAND F19 and have a coffee together!

You can access the forum free of charge here or with a Premium Pass allowing access to the conferences and networking invitations.
