Our services offering

Bluefinch-esbd - working cosmo

Managed File Transfer by experts

Why complicate your life with data exchange management?

As experts, we can do it for you!

With a growing number of systems and partners to integrate, or a multiplicity of protocols, the time required to maintain your managed file transfer (MFT) system can sometimes overwhelm in-house teams.

To remedy this situation, BlueFinch-ESBD offers a managed services package that saves you time and money, and puts your MFT systems in the hands of experienced, specialist technicians.

Our team works daily with an MFT and is in constant contact with the solution development teams. This experience enables us to tailor a solution that’s right for your business.

Our managed services offering is designed to provide you with efficient support, offering you a personalized MFT service team that you can call on whenever you need it. As a result, you can benefit from tailored service and in-depth technical expertise, while saving time and money.

Delegate your MFT management to us for greater peace of mind, security and traceability!

Bluefinch-esbd - support hero

💡 Our experts are always ready to help!

By entrusting the management of your MFT needs to our team of experts, you free up time for your IT team, allowing them to concentrate on other projects or tasks.

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