
GoAnywhere MFT Release Notes


July 2024

Currently Shipping: Version 7.5.3

July 15, 2024


  • Fixed an issue with a bottleneck that can occur when using Gateway while services are under load, where one incoming connection can slow down all incoming connections.

May 2024

Version 7.5.2

May 29, 2024


  • Updated unlimited-common from 1.4.+ to 1.7.12.

  • Updated unlimited-transfers from 1.4.+ to 1.7.15.

  • Updated unlimited.fc.client-api from 1.4.+ to 1.7.56.

  • Updated Tomcat from version 9.0.83 to 9.0.87.

  • Updated the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver from 42.4.3 to 42.7.3.


  • Fixed an issue with Trigger Email actions losing formatting in the email body. This issue was introduced in version 7.4.0.

  • Fixed an issue where files with no extension could not be transferred with the AS4 Push and Pull tasks.

  • Fixed an issue related to Agent Transfers that could corrupt the data structure under heavy load.

  • Fixed an issue with the 7.5.0 upgrade of web user preferences to purge all invalid references (where a web user no longer exists) prior to migrating to the new table.


April 2024

Version 7.5.1

April 22, 2024


  • Added support for 128-bit and 256-bit AES GCM ciphers in the SFTP/SCP/SSH client.


  • Reverted validation that was added in 7.5.0 which restricted the use of the same variable name between project variables and Secure Form components.

  • Updated commons-compress from version 1.21 to 1.26.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the application from shutting down if configured and running with GoAnywhere Gateway.

  • Fixed an issue in the GoAnywhere upgrader where the upgrade could fail when migrating preference records on network or embedded Derby databases.

  • Fixed an issue where Syslog logs were being written out to the global log file.

  • Fixed an issue where the job runtime was not entirely filled when the job queue had jobs tied to limited job queues at the head of the queue, and the limited queue was full, and there were jobs tied to unlimited queues at the tail.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented replies from FTP servers that did not conform to standard reply messages by adding a ‘Strict Reply Parsing’ option for FTP and FTPS. This fixed issues with a ‘220’ reply error caused by a commons-net upgrade which requires stricter replies.

  • Fixed an issue where files that resided in an Encrypted Folder were not being decrypted when uploaded to the following Cloud Connectors (This only applies to large files): Sharepoint, OneDrive, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Dropbox and Box.

  • Fixed an issue where Database Statistics failed when a database had table names that began with ‘DPA_’ in multiple schemas.

  • Fixed an issue where the last login date was not updated during SAML Authentication for Admin Users.

March 2024

Version 7.5.0

March 26, 2024

PeSIT Store and Forward

  • Added PeSIT Send Acknowledgement Action to Projects.

  • Added support for Receive Acknowledgement to PeSIT File Templates.

  • Added Trigger events for PeSIT Receive Acknowledgement Successful and Failed.

  • Added Bank ID (PI-62) and Customer ID (PI-61) as event variables to PeSIT Receive Successful and PeSIT Receive Failed triggers.

  • Added Bank ID and Customer ID to the PeSIT Send File Action to support PeSIT’s Store and Forward specifications.


  • Updated the Security Settings Audit Report to the PCI DSS v4.0 standard and included new Security Checks.

Other New Features

  • Added accessibility link for skipping selection to the main content on the web client.


  • Enhanced the Audit Log process for HTTPS/AS2/AS4/SFTP/FTP/FTPS/GoFast/PeSIT/Antivirus to persist logs in batches. This greatly reduces the impact on the database connection pool and more efficiently persists the audit log records by reducing the over-the-network calls to the database server. This also removes the burden of processing from the service thread.

  • Enhanced Active Session processing to be more efficient and reduce impact on memory.

  • Enhanced Local Resource Testing to localize messages based upon users’ locale.

  • Enhanced the Security Settings Audit Report with new Security Checks.

  • Enhanced Secure Form Validation to ensure each variable name (case insensitive) was unique across component and project variables.

  • Enhanced the IBM MQ, ActiveMQ, and SonicMQ JMS drivers to allow dynamic parameters.

  • Enhanced the SSL Cipher configuration by adding filtering capabilities.

  • Enhanced the underlying PeSIT server.

  • Enhanced PeSIT Task to reuse connection for Send and Receive actions.

  • Enhanced PeSIT Task to provide additional auditing in Job log.

  • Enhanced Cluster Validation of file access when a participant joins to retry up to 5 times per file.

  • Improved performance for PeSIT Send and Receive Actions.

  • Improved the memory usage within GACMD Executions.

  • Improved performance of Antivirus audit logging.

  • Localized Trigger attribute descriptions and cleaned up unused Trigger attribute and expression database tables.

  • Upgraded to a new and more efficient database connection pool.

  • Replaced spaces with underscores in AS2 message ids to be compliant with AS2 standards.


  • Updated the AWS SDK from 1.12.405 to 1.12.664.

  • Updated Derby version from to

  • Updated Docker and RPM paths to use Fortra.


  • Fixed an issue where Fortra rebranding instructions were searchable in the online help guide.

  • Fixed an issue where the missing resource type description for the SNMP resource type caused an exception to be thrown.

  • Fixed an issue which prevented the saving of LDAP Web User Groups.

  • Fixed an issue with a race condition that could occur under load when the Gateway Client connected to the Gateway Server.

  • Fixed an issue with the Manage Services page so the service status is localized.

  • Fixed an issue persisting web user preferences under heavy load due to dead locks when in a cluster.

  • Fixed an issue in the web client related to language menus that caused a 500 error under heavy load.

  • Fixed an issue viewing audit log details for an Antivirus audit log when the audit log event does not exist.

  • Fixed an issue with rendering Nested Component Groups in Secure Form.

  • Fixed an issue with Web User Login related to International Oracle implementations.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by having the ‘for’ attribute reference a non-empty unique ‘id’ in form control.

  • Fixed an issue with an invalid `aria-describedby` reference in dynamic rendered dialogs.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by adding headings for Web Client pages.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by correcting form control labels.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by combining similar groups of form controls (radio buttons and checkboxes).

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by removing redundant title attributes from form elements.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by including headers in tables.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by giving differing forms on a single page the appropriate ARIA labels.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility by wrapping headings and landmarks of Web Client page regions.

  • Fixed an issue where using FileSet within projects that were configured to sort and the file values used in the sort were volatile, caused a failure.

  • Fixed an issue with the FTP/FTPS/SFTP Rename Action in Workflows where logging the total number of files and folders that were renamed inaccurately.

  • Fixed an issue with the HTTPS Audit Log Remarks/Event Type improperly indicating a file when it was a folder when renaming from the GoAnywhere HTTPS Rename Task.

  • Fixed an issue that affected sending unsigned AS2 MDNs manually.

  • Fixed an issue with a 500 error occurring when editing a Secure Form that was tied to a project that had a variable defined without a name.

  • Fixed an issue with accessibility landmarks, headings and form control labels.

  • Fixed an issue with RSA-4096 Triple-DES Keys in SFTP resources.

  • Fixed an issue with Resources ‘Where Used’ feature for path-based resources which included other resources that started with the same name.

  • Fixed an issue with Resources ‘Where Used’ feature where monitors using WebDAV resources were not found.

  • Fixed an issue with localization within the Resources ‘Where Used’ feature.

  • Fixed an issue with Secure Forms where access would be denied if Secure Form Response Task was setup to redirect to another Non Public Secure Form and the user only had access to the new Secure Form via the web group only.

  • Fixed an issue when viewing LDAP Login Methods where the group membership attribute was under user and vice versus.

  • Fixed an issue where the Secure Form Response Task was not resolving variables for the Secure Form field within the Redirect panel.

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when validating file access in projects when using a workspace and a Domain was setup to restrict file access failed due to an incorrectly resolved workspace path.

  • Fixed an issue with a spelling error in Audit Log Message for SFTP Service when SFTP Protocol was not permitted.

  • Fixed an issue where S3 Task improperly validated the variable syntax for Output Session ID and now outputs the variable under Output Variables.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the recipient of a shared Secure Folder that is defined with Disk Quota limit from uploading.

  • Fixed an issue where the event id link on triggers logs would not resolve the audit log record for GoFast Service when clicked.

  • Fixed an issue when rebuilding the global search index would not reset GoFast audit logs.

  • Fixed an issue where validating access to the Software Library that was configured to use the Network Share would fail for new nodes joining a cluster.

January 2024

Version 7.4.2

January 31, 2024


  • Added support for SSH Resource and Tasks to use diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 Key Exchange Algorithm while running in BCFIPS mode.


  • Updated Tomcat from version 9.0.82 to 9.0.83.

  • Updated esapi from version to

  • Updated ‘GoAnywhere MFT Servers’ resource icon.

  • Updated bc-fips from version to

  • Updated bctls-fips from version 1.0.14 to 1.0.17.

  • Updated MariaDB JDBC driver from version 1.7.1 to 3.3.0.

  • Updated the GoAnywhere MFT Docker image to further limit permissions for the default OS user.

  • Removed support for Triple DES in BCFIPS mode.


  • Fixed an issue where double-byte encodings could cause invalid 220 PeSIT errors. To retain backwards compatibility, this fix must be applied by setting the new Encoding Source filed on File Templates to ‘File Template’. In addition, this fix must be applied by setting the new Encoding Source field on the Send File task to ‘Task’.

  • Fixed an issue where configuring a Web User with PeSIT enabled would fail to save if there were more than 10K file templates defined.

  • Fixed an issue in the Web Client and Admin Client that occurred when evaluating page permissions.

  • Fixed an issue with audit log exemptions where changing the event type on an existing exemption resulted in the old exemption still being applied.

  • Fixed an issue where creating a new Web User could error when using an LDAP or SAML connection.

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when importing secure forms from a domain that doesn’t exist on the current MFT instance.

  • Fixed an issue where PI-42 was being calculated in bytes instead of kilobytes.

  • Fixed an issue which prevented the usage of URI parameters with private Secure Forms.

December 2023

Version 7.4.1

December 7, 2023


  • Fixed an authentication bypass issue allowing invalid access to create new users.

November 2023

Version 7.4.0

November 15, 2023

New Features

  • Improved the Audit Log Exemption Cache to prevent thread contention during loading.

  • Added the filter framework to the Audit Log Exemptions.

  • Modernized the configuring of Audit Log Exemptions.


  • Enhanced the performance of SMB (all versions) metadata lookup.

  • Enhanced Trigger execution to be more efficient and consume less memory.

  • Enhanced Trigger logging to batch all audit logging for a given execution.

  • Enhanced Job File Auditing to efficiently batch and process records using a single database connection.

  • Added NTP, Log Audit, Log Alert, and Clock Facility types for Syslog configuration. Adding these facilities aligns us with all Syslog facilities specified in RFC-5424.

  • Added the ability to configure Syslog to use TLS.

  • Added support for SAML to Interactive UI Quick Downloads.

  • Changing Syslog settings no longer requires restarting GoAnywhere to take effect.


  • Updated OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer from version r239 to 20220608.1.

  • Updated commons-net from 3.3 to 3.9.

  • Updated the horizontal scroll bar to ensure the modified date and size columns are visible for files with long names.

  • Updated Netty from version 4.1.89.Final to 4.1.100.Final.

  • Updated jackson-databind from to 2.15.2.

  • Updated Tomcat from 9.0.76 to 9.0.82.

  • Updated batik-all from version 1.15 to 1.17.

  • Updated HelpSystems logo to Fortra on Reports.

  • Updated JNQ from version 2.3.1 to 2.4.0.

  • Updated Monitor configuration to always evaluate the project variables after the user leaves the project field.

  • Updated SMB (all versions) Network Share implementation to return the last modified date of files instead of the last access time.

  • Updated error handling when an Admin User attempts to login with an empty password.

  • Updated default install and external config directory from ‘HelpSystems’ to ‘Fortra’.

  • Updated the Event Type list to only include the types of events that are audited.

  • Synchronized the current project variables with the existing variables when editing a Monitor.


  • Fixed an issue where the Copy Task where exceptions were not propagated when closing files.

  • Fixed an issue where trying to start 300+ agent upgrades at once caused MFT to crash.

  • Fixed an issue with CAPTCHA functionality.

  • Fixed an issue where a deadlock could occur when persisting web user preferences while simultaneously destroying sessions on the web client with certain databases.

  • Fixed an issue where the last visited feature was not properly being retained.

  • Fixed an issue where Secure Folders saved sorting order was not applied when navigating to different folders. »

  • Fixed an issue where certain permission checks were preventing SFTP uploads from the Azure Data Factory SFTP client.

  • Fixed an issue where downloading files containing non-ASCII characters from the Web and Admin Clients resulted in incorrect filenames when downloading.

  • Fixed an issue with the Copy task where file properties were not properly refreshed when using Agent Syntax after downloading to the Agent. This resulted in zero bytes being copied to the Agent file.

  • Fixed an issue with SFTP so Qualtrics SFTP client can now upload successfully when both the read and write flags are provided by the client.

  • Fixed an issue where SMB mounts could cause excessive memory use.

  • Fixed an issue where the application could start up even if the database is unavailable.

  • Fixed an issue when submitting a secure form via REST with an empty payload would cause a failure.

  • Fixed an issue where GoAnywhere would not start if Syslog was enabled and the Syslog host was invalid.

  • Fixed an issue where we were still outputting Admin Syslog data even if Syslog was disabled.

  • Fixed an issue with Job File Auditing localization.

  • Changed IBMi *PUBLIC permission of JAVA_FONTS data area to *CHANGE, which prevented some users from starting GoAnywhere.

September 2023

Version 7.3.1

September 25, 2023


  • Enhanced the efficiency of the query for Recent Completed Jobs Dashboard Gadget and Rest API Endpoint.

  • Enhanced the efficiency of the query for Unresolved Jobs Dashboard Gadget and Rest API Endpoint.

  • Added a ‘Sign In With SAML SSO’ button to Web Client login page when Force IdP is enabled on the listener.

  • Added the ability to allocate more memory to the JVM for Docker instances.

  • Removed unnecessary logging when viewing completed jobs from a deleted project folder.


  • Updated Guava from 31.1-jre to 32.1.2-jre.


  • Fixed an issue with the Service Level Agreement condition not registering as being met in a clustered environment.

  • Fixed an issue where jobs that were canceled during shutdown of the application would not be included for Unresolved Jobs Gadget and Rest API Endpoint.

  • Fixed an issue preventing new web user passwords from being emailed when created through GACMD.

  • Fixed an issue in the Export Certificate Keys API that prevented certificate keys residing in the System key vault from being exported.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented MQ tasks from working when submitted to batch.

  • Fixed an issue with the ICAP client which caused ICAP connections with certain ICAP servers to hang.

  • Fixed an issue that caused upgrades to fail if the default brand was deleted.

August 2023

Version 7.3.0

August 2, 2023

New Features

  • Added support for Amazon S3 STS connections to regional endpoints.


  • Enhanced monitor database processing to reduce table locking.

  • Enhanced the Database Configuration page to reflect accurate connection pool information which also includes new counts for active and idle connections.

  • Enhanced the display of the LDAP Web User Group Login Name and Distinguished Name when adding/editing a web user group so that the entire value is shown.

  • Enhanced the encoding/decoding of Agent messages to consume less memory.

  • Enhanced the format of admin login error messages.

  • Enhanced the job log purge process to be more efficient and consume less memory.

  • Enhanced Time Limit Default and Password Expiration Default help text to refer to proper setting location.

  • Enhanced the View Trigger page to include all action fields.

  • Added new logos to the GoAnywhere MFT installer.

  • Added the ability to specify a Java fonts folder using the CFGGA command on IBMi.

  • Added an ‘isUserPasswordEncrypted’ element to exported Secure Form XML files.

  • Added validation when editing a web user template to require a name to be defined.


  • Updated the list of suggested AWS S3 bucket regions.

  • Updated the pop up text on the File Buffer Type field of the Network Shares Resource to be more clear.

  • Updated JNQ JAR from version 1.5.1 to 2.3.1.

  • Upgraded Tomcat from 9.0.73 to 9.0.76.

  • Rebranded the application to display Fortra instead of HelpSystems.

  • Deprecated support for MacOS Server.


  • Fixed an issue with identifying international databases when switching databases to Oracle, DB2, or SQL Server international and a non-international schema was present.

  • Fixed an issue with Secure Form user password encryption. See the Upgrade Guide for details.

  • Fixed issue within the Project Designer where dropdowns with many items could not scroll.

  • Fixed an issue with localization that was related to trigger configuration, specifically around conditions and actions.

  • Fixed an issue where Web User Group listings were not sorted by name.

  • Fixed error messages to show unsupported encryption or hash algorithm names instead of “null” when creating PGP file-based keys in FIPS Mode.

  • Fixed error message output when creating file-based PGP keys to translate validation messages into users’ preferred language.

  • Fixed an issue within audit logs to ensure event types and commands were displayed in users’ selected language.

  • Fixed an issue where the ICAP preview feature did not reject file uploads based upon the file name when using GoDrive.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented importing a certificate into the system key vault.

  • Fixed an issue in the Export SSH Keys API when referencing SSH Keys that reside within the System key vault.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the web users file system display from syncing with its latest configuration.

  • Fixed an issue where the Delay Task validation failed when a language other than English was selected.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Copy, Remove, or Move triggers from being saved when the user has chosen a language other than English and the “When File Exists” option is selected.

  • Fixed an issue where the Trigger Action Type was displayed in English when users’ specified language was not English.

  • Fixed an issue with localization on the View Trigger page.


June 2023

Version 7.2.1

June 27, 2023

New Features

  • Added a failed login limit for Admin Users.


  • Enhanced the diagnostics page support bundle functionality to clean up thread dump files in the log directory that were included in the archive.
  • Enhanced the support bundle archive name to include the date and time.
  • Enhanced the support bundle archive to build on the file system to reduce the impact on memory.
  • Enhanced the caching strategy for trigger processing.
  • Added the transfer ID (PI-13) as a file path variable on PeSIT Receive File templates.


  • Updated the Spring Framework library from 5.3.21 to version 5.3.27.
  • Updated IPWorks Zip from version 2016 to version 2022.
  • Updated the Admin Client JDBC URL Wizard to support changes made in Oracle version 19c. The connection property separator syntax now uses ‘?’ to indicate the start of connection properties and ‘&’ as a delimiter between each property.
  • Reverted license changes made in 7.0.0 to add quantities to some licensed features.


  • Fixed an issue with domains that occurred when sending certain emails during Web User creation.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Secure Mail attachments to be corrupted when creating Secure Mail messages from GoDrive or Secure Folders via Send To.

April 2023

Version 7.2.0

April 27, 2023

New Features

  • Added the ability to rotate an Agent’s authentication key.
  • Added the ability to define a global file buffer size.
  • Added the ability to override the global file buffer size in Network Shares.


  • Enhanced the Admin Client to work with the Gateway HTTP/SOCKS proxy.
  • Enhanced the performance of Resource List pages.
  • Enhanced the importation of certificates within the Key Management System to ensure users are notified when an error occurs.
  • Increased the number of characters allowed for a project name from 50 to 200.
  • Renamed and versioned the lib/ga_classes.jar to gamft-[MFT version].jar.
  • Replaced the itext-2.1.7.jar with openpdf-1.3.30.jar.


  • Updated Completed Jobs information to always include the system name in all configurations.
  • Updated the Software Library and Online Catalog to add support for minimum version requirements.
  • Updated the mina-core.jar to version 2.1.5.
  • Updated Netty from version 4.1.82.Final to 4.1.89.Final.
  • Updated Tomcat from 9.0.68 to 9.0.73.
  • Updated the PostgreSQL JDBC driver library from 42.4.2 to version 42.4.3.
  • Updated the AWS SDK from 1.12.272 to 1.12.405.
  • Updated the commons-fileupload from 1.4 to 1.5.
  • Updated error handling for the IBMi IMPPROJECT command.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from adding a Domain when SysLog is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where Secure Folders within the Desktop Client would not show Group Virtual Folders until users clicked the refresh button.
  • Fixed an issue where importing CA responses failed when looking up an existing CA.
  • Fixed the typo for ‘Completed Job Statistics’ in the Component Library list under the Reports section.
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘AES256’ option value when creating a file-based SSH certificate.
  • Fixed issue with Agent Alerts when many agents disconnect at the same time past their configured threshold.
  • Fixed an issue in the GoAnywhere upgrader where upgrade resources moved locations and therefore could not be read if upgrading before 6.1.0.
  • Fixed an issue with the IBMi command DSPPRDINF not displaying the product version number.
  • Fixed an incorrect French translation on the change password page.

March 2023

Version 7.1.3

March 9, 2023


  • Updated the Fortra License agreement

  • Updated the SFTP client to be compliant with RFC-4253

  • Updated attributions file.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented queued jobs from being processed if a queued job was restricted to a specific system and that system was down or the system was up, but the name had changed.

  • Fixed an issue that occurred when attempting to view audit log details from the Trigger Log page.

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to log in or save an edited user due to a resource being used as a WebDocs directory.

  • Fixed an issue in Resource Change History that prevented changes from being audited.

  • Fixed an issue involving Web User default secure mail password.

  • Fixed an issue where SAML authentication was mishandling newline characters.

  • Fixed an issue with the GoAnywhere upgrader where the embedded Derby database would fail to upgrade when upgrading GoAnywhere from a version before 6.3.0.

  • Fixed an issue where the database connection pool was not respecting configured values related to pool size.


February 2023

Version 7.1.2

February 6, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with license responses.


December 2022

Version 7.1.1

December 22, 2022


  • Enhanced the GoAnywhere upgrader to notify users if they are not using the latest upgrade scripts.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the « Call Remote Project » trigger action to fail.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from using SFTP to download files unless the « Append » permission is selected.

  • Enhanced the GoAnywhere upgrader to notify users if they are not using the latest upgrade scripts.

Version 7.1.0

December 5, 2022

New Features

  • Added Hungarian translation to the Administration Client.

  • Added Hungarian translation to the Web Client.


  • Upgraded from Java 8 to Java 11.

  • Enhanced how GoAnywhere parses XML.

  • Updated the Limit Days of Week sections to show the full weekday names on the Edit/Add Web User page and the Global Settings page.

  • Added new attribute Transfer Id(PI13) for PeSIT Send/Receive event conditions.

  • Added support for upgrades using Java 11.

  • Added check for existing installations.

  • Updates

  • Removed references to HelpSystems Insiders.

  • Updated Sardine from 5.7 to 5.10.

  • Updated commons-text from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0.

  • Updated Batik-all from version 1.14 to 1.15.

  • Updated the roboto fonts to be hosted in application instead of requesting them from Google.

  • Updated gson from 2.2.4 to 2.8.9.

  • Reverted license changes made in 7.0.0 to add quantities to some licensed features.

  • Removed unused JCE policy files.

  • Upgraded the Postgres JDBC driver from 42.3.3 to 42.4.2.

  • Updated AWS SDK from 1.11.163 to 1.12.272.

  • Removed velocity-1.7.jar.

  • Updated Spring Framework from 5.3.18 to 5.3.21.

  • Updated esapi from to

  • Updated ICU4j from 63.1 to 71.1.

  • Updated the following BouncyCastle FIPS APIs:

    • FIPS from 1.0.2 to

    • Mail from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4

    • PGP from 1.0.5 to

    • PKIX from 1.0.4 to 1.0.7

    • TLS from to 1.0.13

  • Updated Jackson from 2.13.2 to

  • Updated Tomcat from 9.0.52 to 9.0.68.

  • Updated the Apache MyFaces library from 2.2.12 to version 2.2.15.

  • Updated Netty library from 4.1.48 to 4.1.82.

  • Updated Oracle JDBC driver from to

  • Updated IBM i login error message terminology from AS/400 to IBM i.

  • Updated the OpenSAML API to from 2.6.6 to 4.0.1.

  • Updated the IBMi DB2 JDBC Driver from 5.3 to 11.0.


  • Fixed an issue with the SFTP server related to appending files and resuming downloads.

  • Fixed an issue where the Global Locale setting would not retain user selection and updated to display list of locales based upon users language preference.

  • Fixed an issue in SQL Server (Local) database script where the data type of the job file log status field should be char instead of nchar.

  • Fixed an issue where Change History on Key Vaults was not working.

  • Fixed an issue with global search that could cause incorrect event and trigger results.

  • Fixed an issue where the ellipsis icon for file picker buttons was not centered.

  • Fixed an issue related to Gadget Titles when the user changed the language the default title would be retained using the language selected at time of creation.

  • Fixed an issue with the GoAnywhere upgrader that would cause some databases to fail to rename dpa_shared_file.

  • Fixed an issue where GoFast transfers would fail in cases where Gateway was behind a NAT.

  • Fixed an issue where GoFast uploads were experiencing large amounts of packet loss.

  • Fixed an issue where GoFast transfers would fail when transferring across machines.


August 2022

Version 7.0.3

August 31, 2022


  • Fixed an issue with Web Client legacy API request parsing.

  • Fixed an issue where the Environment Name and System Name were not rendering correctly in the Admin Client page header.

  • Fixed an issue where users couldn’t download files from Secure Forms responses when submitting a form and accessing files anonymously.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting certain locales in Global Settings would cause a 500 error on the admin client.

  • Fixed an issue where FileCatalyst downloads were not able to complete when the « Transfer with Temp Names » option was enabled.

  • Fixed an issue where the scrollbar was not available in the Agent Manager.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Cloud Connectors from being upgraded or reverted via change history.

Version 7.0.2

August 4, 2022


  • Enhanced the Diagnostics Thread Dump process to output the entire stack.

  • Changed the temp file extension that is used while the Global AV is processing files to ensure that end users are not aware that ICAP scanning is happening.

  • Version 3 of GoFast now supports connections through Gateway.

  • Updated the text on the Antivirus Settings Service Limits tab to reflect that the GoFast service is supported.


  • Fixed an issue with Global Antivirus that caused uploads to Amazon S3 Virtual Folders to fail.

  • Fixed an issue with SFTP and Global Antivirus that caused rejected ICAP file uploads to be improperly handled.

  • Fixed an issue with SCP Uploads that prevented Triggers from accessing the target file and Antivirus scanning from accurately reporting failures.

  • Fixed an issue where an invalid add-on type would break the ability to import add-ons via xml.

  • Fixed an issue where the custom header logo would display at a lower size than the actual file. This was introduced in 7.0.

  • Fixed an issue where certain trigger conditions with GoFast were not getting processed properly.

  • Fixed an issue where large file downloads through the FileCatalyst integration would fail with a « No room in queue » error message.

  • Fixed an issue where zero-byte file transfers in the GoFast Task were reporting the wrong transfer time amount.


June 28, 2022



  • Fixed an issue with Web Client legacy API request parsing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Environment Name and System Name were not rendering correctly in the Admin Client page header.
  • Fixed an issue where users couldn’t download files from Secure Forms responses when submitting a form and accessing files anonymously.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting certain locales in Global Settings would cause a 500 error on the admin client.
  • Fixed an issue where FileCatalyst downloads were not able to complete when the « Transfer with Temp Names » option was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the scrollbar was not available in the Agent Manager.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Cloud Connectors from being upgraded or reverted via change history.

Version 7.0.2

August 4, 2022


  • Enhanced the Diagnostics Thread Dump process to output the entire stack.
  • Changed the temp file extension that is used while the Global AV is processing files to ensure that end users are not aware that ICAP scanning is happening.
  • Version 3 of GoFast now supports connections through Gateway.


  • Updated the text on the Antivirus Settings Service Limits tab to reflect that the GoFast service is supported.


  • Fixed an issue with Global Antivirus that caused uploads to Amazon S3 Virtual Folders to fail.
  • Fixed an issue with SFTP and Global Antivirus that caused rejected ICAP file uploads to be improperly handled.
  • Fixed an issue with SCP Uploads that prevented Triggers from accessing the target file and Antivirus scanning from accurately reporting failures.
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid add-on type would break the ability to import add-ons via xml.
  • Fixed an issue where the custom header logo would display at a lower size than the actual file. This was introduced in 7.0.
  • Fixed an issue where certain trigger conditions with GoFast were not getting processed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where large file downloads through the FileCatalyst integration would fail with a « No room in queue » error message.
  • Fixed an issue where zero-byte file transfers in the GoFast Task were reporting the wrong transfer time amount.

Version 7.0.1

June 28, 2022

New Features

  • Added ability to select and install multiple add-ons in the marketplace.


  • Added save detection to the Administration Edit page.
  • Added save detection to the Service Edit pages.
  • Added save detection to the Holiday Calendars page.
  • Added the ability to filter and scroll transaction sets when selecting them in the read and write EDIFACT and X12 tasks.
  • Added support for the GoFast service to Global Antivirus.
  • Added the ability for Gateway proxies to start and stop dynamically when the associated service listener starts and stops.
  • Enhanced the efficiency of the Support Bundle Download Zip process.
  • Enhanced GoFast Task (V3) logic to print out tuning information to the job log.
  • Enhanced job queue processing for clustered systems so that jobs are better balanced across the available nodes.
  • Enhanced GoFast file transfer performance utilizing FileCatalyst architecture.
  • Improved error messages for ICAP uploads.
  • Improved the multi-row actions on the list pages to be separated from the footer.
  • Adjusted Link to Listener functionality to link to the Listener Name so that port changes are resolved by the listener name at the time the service status is checked.
  • Cleaned up logging for expected exceptions in WebClient invitations.
  • Removed Admin from the ‘Service’ choices when configuring gateway mapping to ‘Link to Listener’.
  • Updated the Main menu to collapse to current section on navigation.
  • GoFast and FileCatalyst now support encrypted folders.


  • Updated JNQ library from version 1.4.1 to 1.5.1.
  • Updated Guava library from version guava-26.0-jre.jar to guava-30.0-jre.jar.
  • Updated jgroups library from version 4.1.2 to 4.2.21.
  • Updated the GoAnywhere logo on reports.
  • Updated the Queued Jobs page by removing the extra delete icon.


  • Fixed an issue where having more than one thousand Job Queues would cause job processing to stall on systems using SQL Server.
  • Fixed an issue where updating a job queue from held to active via the edit screen would not trigger job queue evaluation.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Antivirus transactions to be improperly logged when GoAnywhere is configured to skip scanning an uploaded file.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Antivirus transactions to be improperly logged when scanning a file uploaded via Secure Forms.
  • Fixed a sorting issue when a Web User sorts by ‘Modified On’ in the IP Filter page.
  • Fixed issue with navigation links not being displayed and not prompting users to save.
  • Fixed a translation issue where the ‘Save’ button label was not rendered properly in Portuguese.
  • Fixed an issue where the field to disable a project component was itself disabled.
  • Fixed an issue causing missing device status.
  • Fixed a missing information message when deleting a single Key Management System certificate using the cog menu.
  • Fixed issue where the number of clients for FileCatalyst tasks was not properly using the default value.
  • Fixed alignment issues in the SQL Wizard data tables for the Where, Join, and Order tabs.
  • Fixed large file displaying issue in the GoFast download subtask source directory list.
  • Fixed an Issue where the configure admin page would become misaligned when the ‘Restrict to Home Directory’ checkbox text was clicked.
  • Fixed an issue where 0 byte uploads over SFTP would skip Global Antivirus scanning.
  • Fixed an issue where Gateway Client configurations would not connect if Gateway IP filtering was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t browse to network shares when working with Agent projects.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause improper validation of Web Client Brand configurations.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause improper validation of Log Settings configurations.
  • Fixed an issue with the PeSIT client and service where transfers using a Record Format of Fixed would always return an error code of 220.
  • Fixed styling issues for numbered and bulleted lists.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when trying to write an EDI record when there are no records in the RowSet being written from.
  • Fixed missing background color and other styling on the center aligned login page.
  • Fixed a text field alignment issue when adding a Master Encryption key.
  • Fixed an issue with properly exiting the Agent Console by clicking on the Home link in the product header.
  • Fixed a validation issue which could allow duplicate Gateway configurations using the same controller address/port.
  • Fixed the « Change Password » button text to prevent wrapping.
  • Fixed an issue where the GoFast task would not wait to cleanup resources thus consuming too many resources when ran within a tight loop
  • Fixed an issue where IP filtering was not working correctly with Gateway.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Antivirus Audit Log preferences from being retained.
  • Fixed an issue where the length of the Secure Form Parameter field was not correctly set to 256 characters when using a DB2 database.
  • Fixed an issue where save messages where not appearing on the current page after navigating away form a page with changes.
  • Fixed issue where Change History log for the FileCatalyst Resource would show an encrypted password value instead of « Password changed ».
  • Fixed an issue where download locations for FileCatalyst tasks were not properly establishing destination paths.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading from FileCatalyst resulted in an error if the destination specified is an SFTP or FTP external link.

Version 7.0.0 (Beta)

April 18, 2022

As of the 7.0.0 beta release, HelpSystems is discontinuing support for GoAnywhere MFT 32-bit installers.

New Features

  • Added new FileCatalyst Task and Resource.
    • Secure and rapid transfers.
    • Utilizes a patented UDP-based file transfer technology.
  • Added support for Java 11.
  • Added a new Read EDI X12 Envelope task.
  • Introduced new header and navigation to user interface.
  • The Admin Log now produces records for the creation, deletion, and modification of Admin User API Keys. API Keys now have change history.
  • Added support for antivirus integration to services within GoAnywhere.
  • Added support for HelpSystems One integration.
  • Added a new diagnostics page that allows admins to generate logs, system reports, and thread dumps quickly.
  • Added Documents to Partners, simplifying configuration for the reading and writing of EDI X12 documents.
  • Added the ability to create an agent using GACMD CLI/Rest/SOAP.
  • Added the ability to delete an agent using GACMD CLI/Rest/SOAP.


  • Enhanced GoFast file transfer performance utilizing FileCatalyst architecture.
  • Added licensed feature quantity support for FTP, FTPS, GoAnywhere HTTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, REST, SOAP and SSH (SFTP/SCP/SSH) resources when created or used in appropriate workflow tasks.
  • Added support multiple domains in MFTaaS.
  • Enhanced the PeSIT Client and Server so that the Record Length is negotiated and no longer needs to be an exact match.
  • Added save detection to prompt users to save before navigating away from the Audit Log Rule configuration page.
  • Added Save Detection to File Based Certificates.
  • Added Save Detection to File Based SSH Keys.
  • Added Save Detection to File Based PGP Key pages.
  • Domains are now listed alphabetically on the Domains and Projects pages, and in dropdown and dual list menus across the Admin Client.
  • Enhanced support for Java 11 by removing the use of the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism.
  • Added the ability to sort log files on the Server Log page by last modified date.
  • Added Save Detection to the Edit Database Configuration page.
  • Added Save Detection to Job Queue Manager.
  • Enhanced support for Java 11 by removing the VM Option UseVMInterruptibleIO.
  • Enhanced support for Java 11 by replacing VM option MaxPermSize with MaxMetaspaceSize and adding a Metaspace Usage section under About GoAnywhere’s System Resources tab.
  • Enhanced two factor login page logging and error message accuracy.
  • Replaced all customer facing references of the terms « blacklist » and « whitelist » to « block list » and « allow list » to better adhere to HelpSystems DEI standards.
  • Enhanced the Read JSON Task with a new Parse Type field that resets fields based upon order found(new) vs depth of field(existing).
  • Enhanced validation for Web Client Brand configurations.
  • Enhanced validation for Log Settings configurations.
  • Added the ability for Gateway proxies to start and stop dynamically when the associated service listener starts and stops.
  • Enhanced the Triggers page to include filtering, pagination, and column selection. Moved the Reordering of triggers to its own page.
  • The System Name/Environment label on the Admin login page no longer wraps in certain languages.
  • Enhanced the UI to provide a processing dialog while LDAP Groups are loaded when creating Admin or Web Group LDAP associations.
  • Added option to add the file delimiter to the end of the last file in the Merge File task.
  • Enhanced the processing around agents connecting/disconnecting to ensure large scale deployments don’t exhaust the database connection pool.
  • Added Save Detection to the Add IP Filter page.
  • Added Save Detection when adding Automatic IP Block Exemptions.
  • Added restrictions to prevent the deletion of addon documents when they are being used for a partner document.
  • Added the ability to export and import EDI Addons.
  • Added 3 new functions: PadLeft, PadRight, and PadCenter. These functions add spaces or a character to the sides of text, to return text of a specified total length.
  • Added additional fields to Partner Objects to assist in writing X12 documents.
  • Added the ability to configure a partner on the Write X12 task which will use partner information to assist in writing the data.
  • Added a validation flag to the Read X12 Envelope Task that will verify there are Partner Documents created in MFT that are associated to every GS envelope in the X12 file.
  • Added the HelpSystems One logging component to the Admin User Activity Details report task.
  • Added support to the Read X12 Envelope task to validate that incoming document control numbers are not reused within a configurable time period.
  • Updated user interfaces to utilize the latest corporate branding.
  • Added Save Detection to Gateway Manager page.
  • Enhanced the processing efficiency used to rebuild the cache that stores user permissions.


  • Updated Apache Log4j from version 2.16.0 to 2.17.1.
  • Updated Tomcat configuration to limit HTTP/S methods allowed by the server.
  • Updated Help Center and Getting Started Widget with HelpSystems Insiders link and description.
  • Updated the agent and agent group name columns and filters to match and only display when appropriate in the agent and agent group console.
  • Updated page names to consistently match menu names .
  • Updated the Japanese version of the software with the latest translations from Solpac.
  • Removed prettyfacesfaces-jsf2-3.3.0.jar to address a security issue within that Jar.
  • Removed some button icons on admin client pop-up screens to align with UI design standards.
  • Updated alignment of the ‘ok’ button on the file chooser error dialog.
  • Updated Network Resources to show a warning when creating or editing Network Shares with Client Type of ‘SMBv1’. This client type is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Updated the Spring Framework jars from version 5.2.9 to 5.3.18.
  • Replaced the existing folder containing third party license documentation with a single open source attributions file.
  • Updated Apache Santuario jar from version 2.1.4 to 2.1.7.
  • Updated JNQ from version 1.3.6 to 1.4.1.
  • Update PeSIT File Templates to no longer allow misconfiguring of Binary Data Encoding with Variable Text or Fixed Text File Structures.


  • Added ability to close a socket immediately if Gateway forward proxy connection times out.
  • Fixed an issue with the error messages pertaining to required fields in PeSIT Send/Receive Tasks not referencing the correct task to complete a required field.
  • Fixed an issue where the PeSIT client and server would fail to run if the remote partner was not supplying default PI values.
  • Fixed issue where OnError Panel is not expanded when Project Editor is first loaded.
  • Fixed an issue with file name comparisons in PeSIT Receive Triggers.
  • Fixed an issue where an unexpected ICAP exception didn’t propagate correctly.
  • Fixed error within Write X12 Task that was incorrectly referencing the Sender ID Qualifier field when excess characters were added in the Sender ID Field.
  • Fixed an issue where renaming or deleting a saved filter on the List Partners page was not reflected after navigating from the Manage Filters page.
  • On the Agent Permissions pages, scrollbars now appear on Admin and Admin Group dropdown menus when there are more elements than can comfortably fit on the screen.
  • Updated the AS4 asynchronous push mode message reply connection timeout from 6 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Fixed a language translation issue on the Add-ons page by externalizing the Column Header.
  • Fixed an issue with Agent/Agent Group Schedules defined with a non-existent run user would fail to reset its next fire time.
  • Enhanced the Agent/Agent Group Schedule process to be more efficient.
  • Fixed rare issue in GHTTPS/AS2/AS4 Services related to active sessions management.
  • Fixed an issue with the ICAP task where the Preview header was not being applied when needed.
  • Fixed an issue in the FTPS Service that caused certificate authentication to be disabled when non-default cipher suites were enabled.
  • Fixed the project category change history navigation when within Agent/Agent Group Consoles.
  • Fixed the logic in the v2 Send Email task to ensure certificate trust checks run properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Save Handler prompt would arbitrarily pop up on header links.
  • Fixed issue where folders defined on a Web User Group could only be shared by a single user.
  • Fixed an issue where Web Users still had access to virtual folders that were defined on a Web User Group after the group was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where adding trailing space to a username when logging in with LDAP caused the user to be disabled.
  • Increased Time-based One Time Password secret length to resolve an issue with BC FIPS mode.
  • Fixed a dynamic tooltip styling issue associated with text fields.
  • Fixed an issue where Admin Users could see API keys they did not have permissions for.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Resource lookup failures within jobs due to a timing issue. Timing is no longer relevant to the Resource lookup.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the Gateway Manager page from loading if the configuration was enabled but not set to autostart.
  • Fixed a null pointer exception that occurred when importing a project or cloud connector with an invalid xml file.
  • Removed an additional, unnecessary MDN Receipt « Date » header.
  • Fixed issue where the PeSIT server is now properly shutdown as part of the switch database process.
  • Fixed an issue where a Secure Form Drop Down Component would not always show the drop down options when a Web User Variable was used as a database query parameter.
  • Fixed improperly escaped characters in French messages.