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Prata med en expert

Vi diskuterar gärna dina IT-frågor med dig.

Våra team är redo att ge dig råd och guida dig till rätt lösningar och tjänster som passar dina behov.



Please fill out the form below with your business contact information* and as much detail as possible. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.

*The information collected from this form is recorded and transmitted to BlueFinch-ESBD, in charge of processing your contact request. In accordance with the law ”Informatique et libertés / GDPR” you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to the data concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting BlueFinch-ESBD.

Onze kantoren in Europa


Sales and Technical Office 

Laan van Zuid Hoorn 60
2289 DE Rijswijk,
+31 (0)8 82 58 33 46

Maandag – Vrijdag: 9:00 – 17:30 


Sales Office

14 rue du Pré Paillard
74940 Annecy-le-Vieux,
+33 (0)9 70 75 61 13

Maandag – Vrijdag: 8:30/12:00 – 14:00/18:00 


Technical Office

44 rue de France
88300 Neufchâteau,
+33 (0)9 70 75 61 13

Maandag – Vrijdag: 9:00/12:00 – 14:00/18:00

Call us!

Do you have a question? Do you need some information or do you want to have a chat with BlueFinch-ESBD? Give us a call.😃