PeSIT transfers

Data exchanges with PeSIT

PeSIT (Protocole d’Échange Standard Interbanques de Télétransmission) is a file transfer protocol that enables files to be written and read from one machine to another.  PeSIT supports a variety of communication modes, including point-to-point and point-to-multipoint, meeting the diverse operational needs of the banking industry.


The PeSIT protocol and the financial sector

Developed by the GSIT (Groupement des Systèmes Interbancaires de Télécompensation) in the 1980s, PeSIT is a protocol originating from the French banking profession, which aims to facilitate secure data exchanges between banks and financial institutions, providing a standardised method for transmitting financial data securely via telecommunications networks.

The PeSIT protocol also plays a crucial role in the insurance and healthcare sectors. PeSIT ensures the secure and efficient transmission of sensitive data, such as medical records and patient information, between institutions.

This secure transfer mechanism is essential for maintaining confidentiality, supporting the smooth integration of systems and helping to streamline administrative processes.

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  • Its key features include data integrity, encryption and reliable delivery, making it suitable for the sensitive nature of financial transactions.

    PeSIT offers features to ensure the reliability of data exchanges, including integrity verification mechanisms. It guarantees message delivery and can handle transmission errors effectively.

  • The PeSIT protocol incorporates robust security mechanisms to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, mutual non-repudiation and authenticity of data exchanged between banking institutions. It uses TLS encryption and certificate authentication techniques to secure communications.

  • PeSIT is considered to be a unique, but complex protocol compared with other file transfer methods. The PeSIT protocol allows only one file to be transferred at a time during a session, but several files can be transferred simultaneously if several sessions are open

PeSIT protocol features

This function allows a PeSIT protocol user to transfer the contents of a file to another user who also has PeSIT.

To do this, the sending user must first establish a logical link, called a connection, with the other user.

The user who initiates this connection is called the Requester, while the other user is called the Server. In this context, the transfer of file data takes place between the Requester (sender) and the Server (receiver).

This function allows a user of the PeSIT service to ask another user of the same service to transfer the contents of a file. To do this, the user wishing to receive the file must first establish a logical connection with the other user.

The user making the request is referred to as the Requester, while the other user is referred to as the Server. In this configuration, the transfer of file data takes place between the Server (sender) and the Requester (receiver).

IT solutions based on the PeSIT protocol can manage flow control to regulate the flow of data exchanged between partners. This optimises network performance and prevents saturation. However, this functionality is highly dependent on the solution used.

The PeSIT protocol is designed to be compatible with different types of computer systems and networks, facilitating integration and interoperability between the different platforms used.

PeSIT offers features for managing data formats, enabling data to be automatically converted into the appropriate format when exchanged between partners.

This facilitates systems integration and reduces the complexity of data exchange processes.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

In some IT solutions on the market, this function allows a user to interrupt a transfer in order to reuse the connection for a higher priority transfer. The suspended transfer will be resumed at a later date.

The data sender can insert sequentially numbered synchronisation points during the transfer. The receiver can confirm receipt of these points, indicating that it has correctly stored the data up to that point. This enables a transfer to be resumed from a point other than the beginning of the file in the event of an incident.

In the event of an incident during data transfer, a user can ask his partner to resume the transfer from an earlier synchronisation point.

Unlike resumption, which takes place after the transfer has been interrupted, resynchronisation takes place while the file remains open and selected.

Here is a list of the key features of the PeSIT protocol. Some features are only accessible with a file transfer solution that will unleash the full potential of exchanges.

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Modernising your PeSIT file transfers

Upgrade your PeSIT exchanges to more intuitive, reliable, cost-effective and secure management!

GoAnywhere MFT solution can connect to PeSIT servers. GoAnywhere MFT ensures the delivery of PeSIT transfers with options to automatically restart connections, resume interrupted file transfers, and verify the integrity of successful file transfers.

If you are interested in auditing your existing PeSIT infrastructure, migrating or exploring the GoAnywhere solution, you can read the brochure, book a 15-minute appointment online or contact us via our contact form.

PeSIT protocol with compliance

In sectors where regulatory compliance dictates the use of specific protocols, or where legacy systems remain entrenched, PeSIT continues to be a popular and in-demand protocol. Organisations with established infrastructures built around PeSIT can choose to maintain support for the protocol to minimise disruption and avoid costly migrations.

PeSIT’s robustness and reliability in processing large volumes of transactions makes it suitable for mission-critical applications where data integrity and consistency are paramount. In environments where real-time processing is not a requirement, the desynchronised nature of PeSIT can be advantageous, enabling batch transfers and optimised use of resources.

PeSIT is a robust and proven protocol that is sometimes complex to implement in line with today’s cybersecurity requirements.

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PeSIT use case by BlueFinch-ESBD's Team

PeSIT project context
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One of our customers expressed a desire to migrate from the XFB gateway to PeSIT transfers. Formerly known as XFB Gateway, this solution, now Axway Gateway, is a communications gateway enabling data to be exchanged between partners via public networks.


The XFB Gateway platform, used mainly for PeSIT transfers with internal and external business partners, was at the end of its useful life with the customer. Faced with this situation, the current supplier offered to migrate to its new solution, Secure Transport.


However, the prospect of this migration was not as straightforward as expected, prompting the customer to consider other options available on the market, taking into account costs and functionality.

Objectives & migration
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As the migration to Secure Transport was not as smooth as expected, partly due to financial considerations, the customer launched a market study.


Two main objectives emerged: to reduce software and maintenance costs while improving productivity. Continuity of operations and preservation of processing functionality were also priorities.


Migrating to modern solutions can be complicated, not least because of the diversity of scripts developed over a long period of time and the need to ensure that they remain operational during the transition.

Successful PeSIT project
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The GoAnywhere MFT solution was chosen after a P.O.C, thanks to its extensive functionality, scalability and user-friendly interface, which made it considerably easier to create automated file transfer processes.


Native audit log integration and the ability to replace custom scripts were key strengths of the solution. However, the complexity of the existing workflows and scripts, as well as problems with the PeSIT protocol, meant that BlueFinch-ESBD consultants had to intervene to standardise and secure the customer's workflow processes, and it wasn't an easy task. Nevertheless, the project has been successfully completed!


The BlueFinch-ESBD teams were instrumental in coordinating the various stages throughout this successful project. 


💡Find out more about PeSIT

Find out how the GoAnywhere MFT solution can help you centralise and rationalise your PeSIT transfers. Our teams will be happy to help you get started.