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The Biomedicine Agency

Goanywhere, a 2-in-1 file transfer solution



This testimony was made from the return Live Experience that took place in May 2022. Olivier ROUSVAL, CISO at the Biomedicine Agency, spoke during this session to present the problems encountered by the Agency and the benefits obtained thanks to a file transfer management solution.


Who is the Biomedicine Agency?

The Biomedicine Agency was created in 2004 as part of bioethics laws and replaces the French Transplant Establishment.

It is a national public agency dependent on the French State that intervenes in the following areas:

  • Bone marrow samples and transplants
  • Organ and tissue harvesting and transplantation
  • Gamete donations
  • From medically assisted reproduction to procreation
  • Embryo research or medical genetics

The context of the meeting

In August 2021, the Agence de la Biomédecine made a request for online documentation about the GoAnywhere file transfer solution. From then on, contact was made with our experts about Managed File Transfer, as well as the various consulting phases.

The Biomedicine Agency increasingly needed to transfer and retrieve data from all its partners, such as hospitals and health organizations.

Previously, transfers were carried out directly through applications requiring development or the opening of special channels, leading to the emergence of security problems.

In particular, there were issues of monitoring transfers and processing data distributed within the Agency’s perimeter. “Sometimes it was the users who reported problems detected in the information system,” says Olivier Rousval.

Security in data collection and processing was not ideal without automation. In addition, there were significant application integration costs with very time-consuming projects as well as security issues due to the multiplication of solutions to be integrated and maintained.

The experts of the Biomedicine Agency quickly understood that it was necessary:

  • Centralize data processing
  • Manage cryptographic API security keys more effectively


Accompanied by the Agency’s CIO, Olivier therefore looked for a solution with the aim of:

  • To recover and secure both transmitting and receiving data,
  • To be able to automate these processing actions,
  • Integrate the tool via APIs directly into the applications.


“What seemed interesting afterwards was also to be able to respond to EDI issues and allow users to send secure documents outside the company and even outside Europe,” Olivier describes. The solution that was used for this purpose in a very limited way was MSSanté. »

Olivier ROUSVAL RSSI at The Biomedicine Agency

"Secure Mail really ensures that the collection and transmission of confidential documents by users is safe and easily transmitted."

A 2-in-1 solution

Following these various observations, two implementation axes were proposed by BlueFinch-ESBD experts with the GoAnywhere solution. A part file transfers from machines to machines and a part secure emails between users and external partners.

1- Transfer automation with GoAnywhere

One of the important needs of the Biomedicine Agency was essentially the recovery of data by SFTP servers. VPN projects need to be disseminated.  “GoAnywhere is really a plus in encryption key management. The fact of centralizing this management and being able to use different protocols adapted to the context of our interlocutors allows a reduction of imposed constraints. »

GoAnywhere makes it possible to monitor and access acknowledgements of receipt of transfers from the Biomedicine Agency. The solution allows you to manage storage space and centralize security certificates.

The solution was installed and configured little by little. The BlueFinch-ESBD teams trained the Agency’s IT specialists in the use of the interface, the automation of data processing and the day-to-day operation of the flows. A fast and highly appreciated accompaniment training.

2- The GoAnywhere Secure Mail asset

“We found it very interesting to implement GoAnywhere’s Secure Mail solution. It allows you to send documents by email through a web client and a secure URL to communicate to the recipient. A password may also be required to access the content of the email. It is a solution that was quickly integrated into the Biomedicine Agency for users. ” adds Olivier Rousval.

The Secure Mail plug-in allows you to integrate directly with your email. The solution offers the user the possibility to send documents to the outside without volume constraints and in a secure way.

GoAnywhere’s Secure Mail features can also limit the number of attachment downloads in a set amount of time.

“Secure Mail really ensures that users can easily collect and transmit confidential documents. There is also visibility of the traceability of messages, of what is done once the document is sent, if it has been received and downloaded by the recipient. »

Both solutions are operational at the Biomedicine Agency and all this in just a few weeks.

Learn how BlueFinch-ESBD can help your teams create your MFT experience

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