WEBINAR – Securing the world of traditional file transfer

📍Thursday 26th of September from 10:00 to 10:45 CEST

Fortra’s GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) is a secure MFT solution that makes it easy for everyone from small businesses to enterprise organizations to exchange files with business partners. Join our upcoming webinar to explore why utilizing a secure file transfer solution is key and how to get started using GoAnywhere MFT’s many file transfer, security, and collaboration features.    

You’ll learn how GoAnywhere works, discover the benefits of implementing MFT file transfer software in your organization and watch a live demonstration of the product in action.   


Managed and Secured File Transfers: All you need to know 

Managed File Transfer (MFT) technology enables modern businesses to secure and automate file sharing, collaborate with external parties, and seamlessly integrate with cloud environments.  

Discover the power of Fortra’s GoAnywhere, chosen as the best MFT solution in the market by users, in this webinar. In just 45 minutes, you’ll gain insights into:   

  • Streamlining file sharing with enhanced security features like automation, notifications, encryption, and traceability  
  • Securely exchanging data through various channels with customers, suppliers, and external offices  
  • Achieving key compliance requirements   
  • Protecting sensitive data from external risks   
  • The product and features through live demonstration  

Register now for this webinar to unearth how a single solution can encrypt, send and automate all your file transfers. 


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Why Attend? 
This webinar is a must-attend for IT professionals, Enterprise Architects, and anyone involved in Integration, Security and Data management. Whether you are looking to replace an existing MFT or modernize your file transfer system by exploring new solutions, this session will provide valuable insights and practical advice. 

Can’t make the webinar? Register anyway. We’ll send you the replay of the solution by email. 
